Friday, August 28, 2015

Studio _Workshop_Welcome

Welcome to our studio blog

This blog will be used as an additional project communication media to see the progress of every individual student.

This studio has two meetings ( tuesday& friday) and one workshop(wednesday) every week.

The task of this semester is to design contemporary living in a colony manner.

This studio consist of two groups of studio with different tension.

PA A (Structure and Construction)
This group has to strengthen the boundary from geometric value to clear the border.

PA B (Context and Architectural Value)
This group has to establish the physical concept of architecture that can encourage the system of the colony.

The main tools in this studio is Autodesk Maya. Our workshop will support the studio task,
starting from basic tools to generate a form, drawing production, rendering, and 3D printing production.

Coordinator: Stanley Wangsadihardja

Instructor :Heidy Amanda

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